Random Act of Kindness Day

17th February 2020

It is often said that no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Well Aesop is quoted as saying this and we believe it’s true. With that in mind we thought it’s the best time to get involved and spread the kindness, love and happiness.

An act of kindness need not be big or extravagant, we’re not talking buying a new car for someone more those small things that make people smile and hopefully pay it forward. You only need to google random acts of kindness and a wealth of ideas and news stories appear. I myself have fallen down the YouTube rabbit hole of endless videos, if you do the same please do remember to have a box of tissues at the ready, I was unprepared.

Making another person smile should always be high on our agenda so here are a few ideas from us that we hope will help you make more smiles in the world.

  • Tell someone how amazing you think they are – no matter what the reason it’s always wonderful to hear that you are highly thought of, so go on make someone’s day.
  • Buy lunch for a colleague – we don’t necessarily mean the person you are having lunch with, but if you have an office canteen then pay for the next person in the queue.
  • Volunteer your time in a hospice or care home, reading to the elderly – time is something that we all think we have too little of however it is the one commodity that is available to us all.
  • Say Thank you – it seems obvious but really it goes so much further than one would think.

Or – you could enter our competition on Instagram to win a box of cupcakes to be sent to someone you think deserves a little treats on #randomactsofkindness day!

And remember to be kind to yourself because you deserve it too.



Published Feb 16th, 2020
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