For those who are studying exam stress can be unavoidable, unfortunately it is part of student life for most but fear not we have put together a few tips to help you through it with cupcakes!
Don’t ignore it! – even though the sun is shining and your friends have given themselves the morning off doesn’t mean you should to, realising what you have to do and starting it is the first step, like they say the quicker you start something the quicker you finish it. So, make a plan! There is always a lot of material to get through so making a plan is key to make sure you cover all the areas you’re focusing on, it also helps you makes sense of the subject you a revising and helps you divide the material into more managable chunks. Setting achievable goals will reinforce your confidence. Instead of completing a huge portion on one day, cut it down to smaller segments. As the goals are met tick it off your checklist and start being happy about these small achievements.
Make sure you take regular breaks and treat yourself! This is perhaps easier said than done, but try to remember you are doing your best! Putting yourself under too much pressure will have a negative effect on your revision and how you feel about the exams coming up. As they say “worrying doesn’t solve anything!”. So take some me time, take the morning off and go for a walk in the fresh air, meet up with friends to take about something other than revision, read a book, or even order yourself some cupcakes – the tired and stressed you will thank you when they arrive!!
Get some sleep, it is so important to get a good nights sleep, not only on the night before your exams but also the run up. The benefits of a proper night’s sleep can not be underestimated. Sleep improves brain function and means you are able to focus better on the task at hand!
Lastly, if you are stressing do be afraid to Let it all out!!! Sometimes you just need someone to talk to about it, you can work through it together and enjoy the cupcakes you ordered yesterday ;)